Friday, June 26, 2009

Iranian Cleric: Protesters at War With God
Oh, man...

Hundreds arrested. Uncounted numbers killed. Forced confessions of guilt. No reporters allowed.

Hey, on that last point, I recall the world outrage when Israeli forces in Gaza kicked out reporters. Well where's the outrage, now?

And what's with this God business? Did God elect Ahmadinejad? Or is Ahmadinejad God?
And now that Obama has criticized Iran, is the US at war with God, too? (You'd better believe they think so.)

You have got to be kidding me. This is so absurd. These people are seeking to get nukes, and we are going to try to talk them out of it? They already know the outcome. Just look at North Korea. That's turning out well. Why would we handle Iran any differently?

How about we take bets on when Israel will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities (Syrian style.)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hope, Change, Hypocracy and Just Plain Dumb

So these are the people who we now have in charge of our government (, banking industry, automotive industry, and soon - healthcare industry.) Wow. How... nauseating.
While they were all ranting and railing against Bush and the Republicans, one could almost begin to believe that if they were to take office, they'd actually live up to what they were preaching, and be honest, fair and transparent. Be, as they said, better.
Turns out they're nothing but a bunch of closed-minded, obtuse, embarrasing, mobster-like thugs and bullies.
It's reverse McCarthyism in 2009. Whatever the Dems may have had to be proud of before the election, has gone done the toilet. And so quickly, too.

Fired IG Calls White House Explanation 'Baseless,' Says He's Being Targeted
Bush was criticized for firing AGs who he had an absolute right to fire. BO fires IGs who he does NOT have a right to fire, and on top of that, breaks the rules he set on how to go about removing them. If that's not enough, this particular IG is a senior citizen, and one who is sharper than many of us put together. And the main reason for his firing: BO protects his own.

Hey, Mr. President, as the leader of the free world, you can't sneak a fag in the rose garden and believe that your daughters won't find out that you smoke. What a great example for our youth.
How about being open and honest with them, together with the rest of us?
Besides, haven't you heard of those laser treatments? They work wonders. How about publicly signing up for one of those and making a positive role model of yourself?
Now did you cop any sigs while working on that tough tobacco legislation you just pushed through?

Kansas Teacher With Conservative Views Gets Job Back,2933,528484,00.html
Supporting a woman in politics only works if she's a Democrat.
Now you can get fired for your political views.
And how in the hell can you possibly be "too patriotic"? Moreover, why is that offensive? And in a public school, of all places.
Where are the screaming politicians? Where's the ACLU? Where are all the mainstream media, except for Fox?
Think about it.

Last but certainly not least:
Obama extends flame-grilled olive branch to Iran
This one is just f-ink brilliant. Hey dummies - what the hell are hot dogs and hamburgers made of? And you want the Iranians to come and sample these culinary delights, or are you going to serve vegi-burgers, too?
Perhaps you'll offer them some milk products, such as cheese on the burger, while you're at it. Mmm. We Americans love cheeseburgers!
Hey, maybe you'll offer better quality hot dogs? I'm sure they'll go for Hebrew National!
And while you're hobnobbing over the BBQ delights, I'm sure you'll enjoy a refreshing chat about how the protester shootings are going. What's the headcount up to now?
I'm certain this shindig will disarm the Iranians from their nukes. I'm certain of it.